How to make a post in the Forum

How to make a post in the Forum

Here are eight easy steps to make a post in the 'Engaging All Students' Forum.  Any member can post or respond to other members in the Forum.

Step 1

Go to

Step 2

Click on Forum. This will prompt you to login.

Step 3

Login with username and password. If you can't remember your username you can use your email address. If you can't remember your password. Click 'Don't remember password' link to reset your password.

If you are not a member you will need to register and fill in your profile details to become a member of the community. Registering and Login use the same mode. The system will authenticate whether you are a current member, if not, then the registration process will begin. 

Step 4

In the Forums area Click on the 'Discussion' link

Step 5

Click on the 'Starting Points' link

Step 6

Click on the 'Starting Points' hyperlink

Step 7

Click on New Topic

Step 8

Type in the Subject

The Forum software is about to be upgrade into a more user-friendly version. For the mean time.

When you want to paste in the URL (weblink address) you need to click URL in the menu bar, paste in the weblink and then click URL again to close the tag. Because this is an old application unfortunately it is

better to do this otherwise you can just paste the URL but it might not be live.

When finished Click Send for publishing. As the creator of the post you can go back and edit if you wish.